To mark HMS Queen Elizabeth's sailing into Portsmouth International Port this morning, local ferry operator, Condor Ferries has looked at how its conventional passenger and freight ferry, Commodore Clipper, which serves the Portsmouth to Channel Islands route, shapes up compared to the enormity of HMS Queen Elizabeth.
At more than double the length, four times the weight and with three times more engine horse power, HMS Queen Elizabeth cannot be beaten. That is, unless you're after a spot of duty free shopping, where Commodore Clipper triumphs. With a full complement of duty free products available on board in its duty free shop, Adore, Condor customers can pick up a bargain on board.
Condor Ferries has been sailing from Portsmouth International Port to the Channel Islands for 49 years. Two of its fleet currently serve the route - conventional ferries, Commodore Clipper and Commodore Goodwill, which help to keep the Islands connected.
Justin Amey, Head of Marketing at Condor Ferries, commented: “We were delighted to see HMS Queen Elizabeth sail into Portsmouth International Port, where we have been sailing from for just under 50 years. Commodore Clipper is one of our larger ships, being able to carry 500 passengers, but her size is really challenged when next to that of HMS Queen Elizabeth. Our infographic is just a bit of fun, but it really does bring home how extraordinary a ship HMS Queen Elizabeth is and will be when she's brought into service in the coming years.”
For further information about Condor Ferries, please visit www.condorferries.com
Issued on behalf of Condor Ferries by McKenna Townsend
For further information please contact Angharad Tye-Reeve or Mel Bradley on 01425 472330 or email condor@mckennatownsend.com